
source# Migrations

## 1.0.x to sapphire-javafx 1.1*
* Refactoring for a valid prexix:
* Namespace **SFX** is added as prefix to all Classes (e.g. DataListView -> SFXDataListView)
* Classes with existing Prefix **FX** renamed to **SFX** Prefix (e.g. FXApplication -> SFXApplication)
* Styleclasses and styles also get the prefix **sfx-**

### Migration Steps:
* Global Replace 'BaseApplication' with 'SFXApplication'
* Global Replace ' ViewController' with 'SFXViewController'
* Global Replace '.ViewController' with '.SFXViewController'
* Global Replace 'SFXBase' with 'SFX'
* Add to all other unknown classes SFX Prefix (or replace FX Prefix with SFX if exists)
* (FXML) Global Replace FXTableValueFactory with SFXTableValueFactory
* Replace ConfigValues with Configuration from sapphire-data

## 2.0.x to sapphire-javafx 1.*
* replace sapphire.core with sapphire.javafx
* data handling is extracted to a new project: sapphire-data
* CDI, ScalaFX usages please follow the exampes in the sapphire-java demo applications

# Migration for old sapphire-core project

## 1.6.x to 2.0.0
* CDI dependencies are removed
* ApplicationScoped Beans are now Singletons
* Best way to access applicationController is now: ApplicationEnvironment.applicationController[ApplicationController]
* Use CDI if needed with MacWire, Guice, or other CDI Framework (CDI example in issues demo)
* Application must extend now BaseApplication and needs to implement applicationController as val
* FxmlLoader must be renamed to FxmlLocation

object Application extends BaseApplication {

  // some custom code ...
  override val applicationController: BaseApplicationController = new ApplicationController

* ApplicationController must extend now BaseApplicationController

class ApplicationController extends BaseApplicationController with LazyLogging {

  // some custom code ...


## 1.6.5 to 1.6.6
* FXMLLoading url and resources properties now Options

## 1.6.1 to 1.6.2
* CollectionExtensions and ConfigValues moved to package root
* Remove SceneExtensions

## 1.x to 1.6
* scalafx dependency removed (add dependency on project if needed)
* Includes Removed => use BeanConversions trait
* Prefer WindowController instead of deprecated AppController