Expression Language

Expression Language is based on Tomcat Expression Language.



sourceval person: SFXBean[Person] = PersonDatabase.testPerson(0)
person.getValue("${}") must be equalTo "Cheryl Hoffman"
person.getValue("${_self.age()}") must be equalTo 25
person.getValue("${_self.age() * 2}") must be equalTo 50


Usage in FXML is supported, but because of the actual use of the Dollar Char ($) you have to use ! instead.

So ${} and !{} are evaluated equal.

<TableColumn prefWidth="200.0" text="Description">
       <SFXTableValueFactory property="Name: !{} Age: !{_self.age()} (!{}) "/>


EL supports defining own functions in expressions. There is a FunctionHelper in the Expressions object. Some Functions are predefined.

Predefined Functions

Functions can have a prefix. The Sapphire Javafx Functions has the prefix: sf.

function sample info
frameworkName ${sfx:frameworkName()}
frameworkVersion ${sfx:frameworkVersion()}
dateString ${sfx:dateString(testDate)} Default Pattern: YYYY-MM-dd
now ${sfx:frameworkName()}
nowAsString ${sfx:nowAsString()}").toString Default Pattern: YYYY-MM-dd
boolString ${sfx:boolString(testBoolean,‘Y’, ‘N’)}
configString ${sfx:configString(‘test.string’)}
i18n ${sfx:i18n(‘personText’)}

Default Usage

EL in WindowController / ViewController

WindowController- and ViewController-Beans are automatically registered by name