UnoCSS Configurations
UnoCSS is an atomic-CSS engine instead of a framework. Everything is designed with flexibility and performance in mind. There are no core utilities in UnoCSS, all functionalities are provided via presets.
By default, UnoCSS applies the default preset, which provides a common superset of the popular utilities-first frameworks Tailwind CSS, Windi CSS, Bootstrap, Tachyons, etc.
Presets are the heart of UnoCSS. They let you make your own custom framework in minutes.
Official Presets
- @unocss/preset-uno - The default preset (right now it's equivalent to
). - @unocss/preset-mini - The minimal but essential rules and variants.
- @unocss/preset-wind - Tailwind / Windi CSS compact preset.
- @unocss/preset-attributify - Provides Attributify Mode to other presets and rules.
- @unocss/preset-icons - Use any icon as a class utility.
- @unocss/preset-web-fonts - Web fonts at ease.
- @unocss/preset-typography - The typography preset.
- @unocss/preset-tagify - Tagify Mode for UnoCSS.
- @unocss/preset-rem-to-px - Coverts rem to px for utils.
Community Presets
- unocss-preset-scalpel - Scalpel Preset by @macheteHot.
- unocss-preset-chroma - Gradient Preset by @chu121su12.
- unocss-preset-scrollbar - Scrollbar Preset by @action-hong.
- unocss-applet - Using UnoCSS in applet (UniApp / Taro) by @zguolee.
- unocss-preset-weapp - Wechat MiniProgram Preset for UniApp and Taro by @MellowCo.
- unocss-preset-heropatterns - Preset that integrates Hero Patterns by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-flowbite - Port of of Flowbite Tailwind plugin for UnoCSS by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-forms - Port of @tailwindcss/forms for UnoCSS by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-extra - Animate.css Preset and some other rules by @Zhang-Wei-666.
- unocss-preset-daisy - daisyUI Preset by @kidonng.
- unocss-preset-primitives - Like headlessui-tailwindcss , radix-ui , custom for UnoCSS By @zirbest.
- unocss-preset-theme - Preset for automatic theme switching by @Dunqing