Code Directive

The basic of all presentations is the slide directive.

Basic example:

@@@ code { dataId='myDataId' title='Some Code' }
val a = 1

Configuration Options

Code can be configured by several configuration options. All options are optional by default.

Basic Configuration

  • id
  • class
  • style

For internal navigation between slides use the id option.

@@@ code { id=my-slide }
# Code 

Slide Transition

Every slide transition can be indivudual configured.

  • transition (value can be: none, fade, slide, convex, concave, zoom)
  • transitionSpeed (value can be: normal, slow, fast)


@@@ code { transition=zoom transitionSpeed=fast }
# Code with custom transition

Additional Attributes

Attribute Default Description
trim true
showLineNumbers true Activate Line Numbers
lineNumbers Render specif line numbers, set showLineNumbers always to true
title Render some Header information
footerText Render some Footer information